Laminated and heat-sealed bags. Large Quantity

The Laminated and heat-sealed bags are personalized cloth bags, 100% recyclable and reusable more than 100 times. They are made with synthetic polypropylene fiber forming a cloth called WNW (Woven-Non-Woven cloth). The bags are sealed by temperature (Heat-Sealed), additionally they are protected with a foil that provides them with a quality finish. It is the Premium line of Sbags. There are different grammages and very useful formats of bags. You can give them to your customers as a present, do marketing for all kinds of business and shops. They will be reused by your customers daily. Make the difference, doing the best marketing, like in Peluqueria Pamen, with our bags for your business and you’ll monetize them in a short time. We are manufacturers and direct importers so our prices are cheaper and with no competitors in the market.

Free Plates

We are manufacturers and direct importers with which our prices are the cheapest, and without competition in the market. Check our big online shop sale for a minimum amount of 3,000 units and 100% free plates. Sbags is your high quality bag factory 100% reusable and recyclable.

If you want fewer bags you can go to Laminated and heat-sealed TST fabric bags. Small Quantity. You may also be interested in our Large Quantity Krocs Line Bags or Krocs line bags Small Quantity .

REduce-REcycle-REuse with Sbags.

Unit price: from € 0.49

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